firstly i glue the horses in card evenly spaced and then under coat with flat black spray
for painting brown horses:
picture 1 paint the horse scorched earth brown. Be carefull to leave the harness, main and saddle black care now will save you time later.
Photo 2. paint eitherBestial brown which is in this paicture or vallejo 70826 or 70871 for slightly darker horses. here we want to leave a small amount of the dark brown to show through on the neck, flanks and between the muscles.
photo 3 paint graveyard earth as first highlight if following bestial brown vallejo english uniform or 70983 for the other two use sparingly the idea here is that its not to obvious. I add the white here or in the next stage.
photo 4. i use vallejo with very small amount fine lines as second highlight on neck ,muscles and rump.
photo 5. is finished the other photos show end product with the other two vallejo colours.
hope this helps
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