Saturday, June 19, 2010

10mm Russian they just keep on coming

Last night i couldn't paint any more of the commission work as they were all drying after being undercoated so I decided to attack the 10mm Russian infantry again I though if i just do a little now and again who knows maybe in a year or two they just might get finished have to admit they are not my favourite to do but they look cool when they're done. This will give me 42 stands finished only about 96 stands left in this bunch then onto the next lot i must be going mad.

Then I though why not undercoat the rest so i did and then base coated with dark green about 12 sticks worth that i had undercoated a few weeks back


  1. Damn those look hard to paint. I am getting old and need new glasses so I could never paint them as I am now. LOL Very nice mate! Oh I did what you suggested to the AB Dragoons and have posted them...


  2. Also are these yours or a commission?


  3. Mine until i do something crazy like sell them which is what i seem to do

  4. LOL how much do you have in them, in USD roughly?

  5. They look great.
    Ps How many time do you spent on painting?
    Or you spent many hours of your life on it or your a fast painter.

  6. You are going to go mad, indeed!! But I like the final result. Good luck with the Russian mob!!


  7. I'll have to check it out get back to youRazorone

  8. Thanks EiarOlafson they should look good when they are all done

  9. Struth mate - that looks like a lotta lead! I know they're only 10mm but that's still a heap of figures - BTW that an infantry division? Haven't visited your blog for a while - its looking good. Hope the business is going well.


  10. there's a lot more yet in the bucket of stuff i got

  11. different class, your a machine!
