Tuesday, January 3, 2012

28mm Front Rank French Imperial Guard Fusiliers

This time i got the manufacture correct sorry about the other post I got these finished the other day and have been doing very little painting the past two days as my wife has seen fit to put me to work painting the back room.. I have some German paras that i am trying to work up the energy to paint but 15mm just isn't as much fun as it used to be. I've done so much basing in the past two weeks that i have run out of many of the grasses and flowers, so i put an order in to warlord games for a heap more. Hope it doesn't take to long to get here.


  1. I'm becoming a little dizzy at your progress Sir! More splendid work indeed, keep it up.

  2. These guys just look fantastic. How do you manage to paint so fast in such a good quality?

  3. Wonderful work Kent. Great looking unit.

  4. These guys look great. I'm amused by the fact that when you're not painting figures, you're painting the house!

  5. The trick to paint large volumes of miniatures is fist good prep then you paint the same every time, same order and you just get faster. The other thing i do is while i'm painting one unit i start another so when one is finished the second is half way through and i start the next unit at that point so there is always multiple units on the go.

  6. Beautiful figures.
    Same detail on the house?
