Wednesday, June 15, 2011

15mm AB British Napoleonic commission

This weeks been a bit crazy I've had a bit of the flu so not feeling so well, I have managed to do a bit of work but its not been as much fun as normal part of what I've been working on is these British infantry and some Kings German sharp shooters they still need a highlight on the skin tone and then based but they are well on there way. I've also been working on another two Battalions of 28mm infantry and another wargames Illustrated diorama so there will hopefully be some more work to view in the next few days or so.


  1. These guys look really good . Can't believe they are 15mm.

  2. These look very good for 15mm (and all the other painted figures on your blog)

    Very good work and nice blog Kent!


  3. cool figures. im with rodgers i thought larger at first glance.

  4. Nice work mate! I think on my next AB order I will get some Brits this time, as they are the neglected bunch of my Nappies... I got to looking at those riflemen and they look a lot like Battle Honors minis...

  5. Nice work Galpy, I have an itch to do some ABs now.

  6. Itch away they are great figures and allow you to really enjoy your painting, the detail is nice and crisp good fun. There's a chance that i might be doing some more for a possible new commission from good old Spain first commission from that side of the world but sounds like I'll have to paint to my highest standard for this guy i do love a chalalnge.

    1. I'm thinking of loosening up my painting style - it takes forever to paint one battalion of infantry. Let's face it, on the game table, no one really notices the tight style. Other than being supremely bored, there's really no point. Thinking of experimenting with Blue Moon - have you done many of those?

  7. Great work. That's got me thinking AB now.

  8. Hi mark i haven't painted many 15mm in a wee while but i use the same style as i do 28mm spray black, in coat of dark Prussian blue highlight with intense blue and the a fast highlight with flat blue comes up real nice and can be very fast
