Oh what a fun game we had last night I was versing Craig and Martin and it fell to me to attack so with 8 regiments of infantry and one heavy artillery i set to messin up my old Russian foes
here i am lined up ready for battle
I make an attack down both flanks
Craig and Martin left the guns undefended so i march straight down the centre
things still look pretty good for my lads at this stage but in my next turn i fail all my attacks and this proves to be vital.
The Russian reserve cav arrive things are not looking the best
even though i survived the canister i took so many hits i could no longer attack i was then forced into square and the attacked by heavy cav which bounced twice the second time i had moved a second regiment behind so they could not break off and they were destroyed.
my right flank is destroyed by Martins forces
I get my reserve cav and send one against Craig's guns and one against Martin on my right Martin forms square and i bounce twice
My flank completely crumbles
In the distance my cav destroys Craig's guns and then in turn is destroyed by Craig's cav as you can see the rest of my army is falling back, end of game one to the Russians