Friday, May 20, 2011

15mm AB Austrian Border & light infantry

Well It's ben a few weeks since my last post and a very busy couple of weeks but not for the paint brush, And when i have it's been a bit here and a bit there so here's part of Austrian commission that i am working on for Chris.

Light Infantry Reg

here's the first of two Border infantry Regiments

Second Regiment

Theres also 2 lots of dragoons and 6 guns crew and limbers still to go.
I've made a small start on them


  1. They look great. If I hadn't started with 28mm, I'd have gone with AB in 15/18mm for sure. Regards, Dean

  2. what colours do you use for your "ochre" horse? It looks good

  3. vallejo us field drab base coat green Ochre secon dark sand last coat, I was a test horse to see if I could find another colour that worked.

  4. Nice figures, I like the brown regt, what it's name?

  5. It is the 2nd Szeckler Wallachisches Border infantry Regiment 15,1812
