Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WIP SYW British

Yes it's back to the SYW armies that i'm doing for commission I've been working for nearly two years now on these armies Austrians done Hanoverian done and this is the second unit of the British. After spending quite a few weeks on my French for Borodino and a week off painting it's back to work. They have now three layers of the red and green and faces started the white but still at least two- three nights of work to go, before i start the next one


  1. They are looking great! Love the shades of red and green.

  2. thanks Simon, I think by the end of near 200 infantry i should have red down perfect, I've bought two extra bottles of red

  3. Know what you mean, I have been known to slap a bit of red on my legionaries, too! :-)

  4. Very nice!!!! They do look good and they're not even finished yet.

  5. Tremendous work, they look a bit fiddly!

  6. there is a bit of fine work on them but it's not to bad i just need to pick up some new brushes in the weekend, always seem to need new brushes

  7. Very nice, the white piping and green facings are quite striking against the red uniform.
