Tuesday, September 13, 2011

28mm Perry Dragoons Finished based

I finish these guys off last night and all the moderns finished painted as well but you will have to wait for them as i am waiting on the bases.I'm really happy with the Green on these guys i decided to do four layers of green to give them a little extra depth of colour. Let me know what you think

 need to touch up the flag bit to much white showing


  1. Look really good. I bought a box myself a few days ago. Which green reference do you use?

  2. The Paints are Vallejo Luftwaffe cam green, the medium olive and german cam bright green. it works well
    in this case i did a devlin mud was over the first green and painted it again but it only gives a little more depth and you don't really need to do it

  3. Not surprising that you use Luftwaffe cam green. I was using the old Vallejo's Soviet green which is actually switchable with Luftwaffe camo green when painting Soviet armor...

  4. Yes, they look very good and will be trying that green triad myself as it looks very effictive

  5. Superb painting, the green looks excellent!

  6. They are looking sharp. Bases looking great too.

  7. Really very nice Galpy. Very nice basing too.

  8. They look great! The flag touch up is easy, just run some gold on the edge. I usually re-paint all the lace when I do this so it doesn't look out of place.


  9. Extraordinary. Roll well for this unit.
