Friday, May 21, 2010

New base for diorama

Had to use contact adhiesive to get this to stay put the to diorama had a little warp in it and it took a bit to get it to glue flat but i'm really happy with the result.

Thinking i might need to get a wee brass plaque made with the battle name and date on it to really finish it off might even find a glass top.


  1. Nice stuff Galpy - very impressive


  2. That's a great little diorama and one very beautiful base on it. What's the wood? Commercially available or make it yourself?

    Only one small criticism - not enough dead French!! ;-)


  3. its made of new zealand rimu an i got a mate around the road to make it,cost $30 which i thought was good, he said he could make any size i wanted, looking for a nice glass to now, then i might try and sell it

  4. Very nice work Kent. The base is very nice!! Rimu is a great choice and for #30 i think you got a good deal. Up here in Auckland that would have been a fair bit more i think.

    P.S cheers for the nice words you put on my blog mate. I try to update it every couple of days - feel free to join it if you want. :)

    Keep up the great work, im looking forward to seeing what you post next.
